Home / Press Releases / Section rolling shop No. 2 of BMZ produced the 3 millionth ton of products.
Home / Press Releases / Section rolling shop No. 2 of BMZ produced the 3 millionth ton of products.

Section rolling shop No. 2 of BMZ produced the 3 millionth ton of products.

Press Releases

In the section rolling shop No. 2 of OJSC “BMZ, the management company of the holding“ BMK ”, the 3 millionth ton of products was produced. "Jubilee" rolled metal - wire rod WA-1010 - will be sold to a customer in the Netherlands.

The milestone production milestone of section rolling shop No. 2 has passed on the eve of its 5th anniversary, which the youngest division of the plant will celebrate on September 25th. Over the past time, SPC-2 has mastered the production of the entire range of assortments provided for by the characteristics of the equipment. We are talking about a wide range of wire rods, rebar, long products in coils and bars, including those with special surface finishing and heat treatment. By the way, the manufactured products are in many ways unique for Belarus, since they were not previously produced in the country. Thus, the share of innovative products in the total shipment volume of the shop reaches 50%. These are mainly rolled products for the automotive industry made of medium and high carbon steel alloyed with chromium, manganese, nickel or molybdenum.

& bsp; & bsp; At present, up to 70% of the products manufactured in SPC-2 are sold outside Belarus. So, in January-August 2020, about 243 thousand tons of rolled products were exported for over $ 102 million. If we talk about the geography of sales, then over the 5-year history, the products of the workshop were exported to 52 countries of the world. Its main consumers are in Europe. The top 5 importing countries include Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Israel and Ukraine. As part of the diversification of sales markets, supplies to Africa and Asia have also been established.

& bsp; & bsp; The rolled products produced in the section rolling shop No. 2 are also in demand in the domestic market, to which about 150 thousand tons of these products are annually sold. Its key consumers among domestic enterprises are OJSC "RMZ", OJSC "MAZ", OJSC "MTZ", OJSC "Gomselmash" and OJSC "MPZ".

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