Home / Press Releases / Metalloinvest to invest RUB 2 billion in sustainable development of the Belgorod Region in 2021
Home / Press Releases / Metalloinvest to invest RUB 2 billion in sustainable development of the Belgorod Region in 2021

Metalloinvest to invest RUB 2 billion in sustainable development of the Belgorod Region in 2021

Press Releases

Metalloinvest and the Government of the Belgorod Region signed a socio-economic partnership program for 2021.

The document was signed by the CEO of Metalloinvest Nazim Efendiev and Acting Governor of the Belgorod Region Vyacheslav Gladkov.

The total contribution of the parties under the EPA will amount to 5.5 billion rubles, including 2 billion rubles - investments of Metalloinvest, 3.5 billion rubles - the Belgorod region.

“The new program is unique in that the bulk of the funds will be invested in the development of two territories of the Belgorod region - Stary Oskol and Gubkin,” said Vyacheslav Gladkov, Acting Governor of the Belgorod Region. - Metalloinvest's teams live and work here - employees of Lebedinsky GOK and OEMK. For me, as the head of the region, it is very important that all the cities in the region are bright, distinctive, and actively develop. Therefore, I share and approve of this idea. The program pays great attention to the development of sports, education, projects of spiritual and moral education. This year, we agreed with Alisher Burkhanovich Usmanov to begin construction of an educational center in Stary Oskol. Based on the best practices and educational programs, we want to create the best school in the country. In addition, due to the high demand of the population for a high-quality urban environment, many improvement projects will be implemented. Those who are expected and desired by the townspeople themselves. I am sure that our cities will change a lot this year! This will be a quantum leap in development. "

“Lebedinsky GOK and Oskol electrometallurgical plant named after A.A. Ugarova are among the largest taxpayers of the Belgorod region: in 2020, almost 17 billion rubles of taxes and fees were transferred to the consolidated budget of the region, - said Nazim Efendiev. - Metalloinvest is also a reliable partner in the development of social infrastructure - the Company's cooperation with the Belgorod Region within the BOT is 10 years old. A lot of work has been done during this period. We are proud that every year our cities are becoming more modern, attractive and comfortable for life - this is our strategic goal. "

A significant part of Metalloinvest's funds will be used to create a comfortable urban environment, support sports, education and healthcare.

Metalloinvest continues to support medical institutions in the cities where it operates. As part of the SEP 2021, the Company will allocate more than 250 million rubles for the purchase of equipment for the Stary Oskol District Hospital of St. Luke of Crimea, the City Children's Clinic No. 3 of Stary Oskol, the Gubkinsky Central Regional Hospital and the Gubkin City Children's Hospital.

In Stary Oskol, work will continue on the reconstruction of the river embankment. Oskol and the improvement of the Victory Park was carried out. The Company will allocate over 150 million rubles for these purposes.

According to the results of the voting of residents of Stary Oskol, a project to improve the embankment of the Oskolets.

The design of the Educational Center will begin.

260 million rubles will be allocated to repair schools and kindergartens in Stary Oskol, including Lyceum No. 3 named after S.P. Ugarovoy, school # 6, kindergarten # 40 for children with disabilities and kindergarten # 29.

The funds will also be used to develop the city's sports infrastructure. Hockey and figure skating departments will open, and the Rugby for Children project will receive support.

120 million rubles are planned for the improvement of courtyard areas in the north-eastern part of Stary Oskol.

Children's playgrounds and sports grounds will appear in residential areas and in rural areas.

Swimming pool construction will be an important part of a comfortable urban environment in Gubkin. This project will be implemented at the initiative of the residents, supported by the Acting Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov. This year Metalloinvest will finance the development of design documentation and the start of construction work for 150 million rubles.

The Company also invests in the creation of recreation areas - a contact fountain in the Chudo-Yudo-Grad park, skate grounds in the Lebedi microdistrict, the installation of sports and children's playgrounds.

According to numerous requests from residents, a city beach will be developed in Gubkin.

Also, work will be carried out on the design of modern public spaces - the city park and the pedestrian zone in the park on the street. Lazarev. The projects are scheduled for next year.

The company will also support the Blue Cat project to help children with mental disabilities. This project, like Rugby for Children in Stary Oskol, was initiated by participants in the Let's Do Together! Grant competition for Metalloinvest.

Support will be provided to leading specialized educational institutions - branches of NUST MISIS and the Gubkin Mining and Polytechnic College.

On the territory of the Starooskolsky and Gubkinsky urban districts, the implementation of corporate programs for the development of territories will continue: "Let's do it together!", "Healthy child

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