Home / Press Releases / Environmental activity of JSC "Uralelectromed" was highly appreciated
Home / Press Releases / Environmental activity of JSC "Uralelectromed" was highly appreciated

Environmental activity of JSC "Uralelectromed" was highly appreciated

Press Releases
Environmental activity of JSC "Uralelectromed" was highly appreciated

Verkhnyaya Pyshma (Sverdlovsk Region)

JSC Uralelectromed (an enterprise of the metallurgical complex of UMMC) became the winner of the XVIII Industry Competition "Enterprise of the Mining and Metallurgical Complex of High Social Efficiency" in the nomination "Environmental Activity and Resource Saving" the results of 2020.

Environmental protection is one of the priorities of Uralelectromed JSC. At all three industrial sites of the enterprise, environmental and resource-saving technologies have been introduced, modern treatment devices and facilities have been installed. This made it possible to reach the maximum permissible emission standards back in 2007.

Thus, in the copper smelting shop (the main site in Verkhnyaya Pyshma), gas cleaning facilities with a high degree of waste gas purification - 99.5% were installed. In 2014-2016. the electrostatic precipitators of the chemical and metallurgical shop were modernized - the cleaning efficiency is 99.7%. An example of the introduction of advanced environmental technologies is the new copper electrolysis workshop, which was commissioned in 2012. The workshop provides for a centralized collection and purification of waste gases, a ventilation and heat recovery system, a cover for baths to reduce the release of aerosols into the atmosphere.

To protect the water basin, the enterprise organized the purification of industrial effluents from the main workshops, purge water from circulating systems and storm water. Wastewater undergoes a full processing cycle - from cleaning in mixers, flocculating sedimentation tanks and mechanical filters to ultraviolet disinfection. Treated water is used in the industrial water supply of the enterprise. As a result, the volume of processing of industrial storm water was increased and the discharge of untreated water into the open water body was stopped.

Uralelectromed also implemented a project to clean up Lake Klyuchi. The main goal of the project is ecological rehabilitation and restoration of the lost fishery status of this reservoir. The area of ​​the lake bottom cleaning was 135 thousand square meters. meters. And as a result of cleaning the coastal strip from aquatic vegetation, the area of ​​the lake's mirror was increased by 85 thousand square meters. meters. More than 100 million rubles have been invested in the project.

Since 2017, the Polymetals Production Branch (Kirovgrad) has been building a system for collecting and treating industrial storm water. In the branch "Production of non-ferrous metal alloys" (Verkh-Nevinsky settlement), water treatment facilities have been built. The implementation of this project made it possible to liquidate one of the two outlets and purify storm and drainage water to permissible standards.

JSC Uralelectromed has created a comprehensive waste management system that allows keeping strict records of waste generation, disposal and transfer for processing. In addition, since 2019, the enterprise has organized a separate collection of paper, cardboard, plastic, etc. for further implementation. The purpose of these measures is to reduce the volume of production waste for transfer and disposal at landfills.

Current costs of maintaining environmental protection facilities at all sites of Uralelectromed JSC in 2020 amounted to 1.3 billion rubles.

The company's environmental management system also contributes to effective environmental protection. Every year Uralelectromed JSC confirms the compliance of the environmental management system with the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001, as evidenced by the results of external inspection audits.

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