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USA is ready to supply oil to Belarus at a competitive price

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United States of America want to help Belarus to be a sovereign state, said U.S. Secretary of state Michael Pompeo. But the sanctions from the country to remove it is not.

USA is ready to supply oil to Belarus at a competitive price
Фото: пресс-служба Президента Беларуси

the United States is ready to provide Belarus with oil at 100% at very competitive prices. About it the Secretary of state Michael Pompeo told reporters in Minsk after talks with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, reports the correspondent of BelTA.

"We had a long conversation on economic issues. Mr. Lukashenka said that the Belarusians have their own country - sovereign and independent, and they can't be part of any other state. United States of America want to help Belarus to be a sovereign state, he said. Our energy producers are ready to provide you with the necessary oil to 100% at very competitive prices. We are the largest energy producers in the world. And all you need is to contact us."

According to him, countries need to overcome some obstacles to U.S.-based businesses make it easier to enter the Belarus market. "Accession to the WTO, more active private sector development will help Belarus to unleash your trading potential", - the politician.

the Secretary of state also noted the successful cooperation between the two countries in the field of security, which, he hopes, will be even more to expand.

Michael Pompeo also said that it has long been time for the visit of U.S. Secretary of state to Belarus. "We have to remember about history: the US was one of the first countries that recognized the independence of Belarus in 1991. We adhere to the same position and hope for a deeper relationship," he said.

At the same time, according to Pompeo, the US is not ready to permanently remove the crew of the remaining sanctions. "While we to this point is not reached. But meetings like today, bring us closer to this goal," said the Secretary.

Secretary of state stressed that the US expects to deepen cooperation with Belarus, I do not want to put the choice with whom it is better to develop relationships.

In the near future, Washington intends to appoint its Ambassador in Belarus, also said Pompeo.

the US has imposed sanctions against several Belarusian enterprises by the decree of George Bush in June 2006, the Cause was called human rights violations in the Republic. Under the sanctions, in particular, were Belarusian oil trading house, and the concern "Belneftekhim".

After Minsk and Moscow failed to agree on the supply and transit of oil, the government of Belarus start to search schema alternative supplies of hydrocarbons. Participate in the negotiations, all possible supplier countries: Ukraine, Poland, Baltic countries, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

January 21, Lukashenka stated that the country will be to ensure that imported oil from Russia amounted to 30-40% of its needs, and 30% of the oil it must import via the Baltic countries and Ukraine.

26 January in Belarus got the first batch the Norwegian oil for processing at the refinery "Naftan".

Previously coalsalesthat Russia 1 January halted oil supplies to Belarus after the parties have not agreed on price. Belarusian oil refineries (Mozyr or and "Naftan") reduced capacity to the technological minimum.

last year Belarus imported from Russia 17.6 million tons of oil.

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