The service life of an electric motor largely depends on the quality of the current characteristics coming from the voltage network. Jumps lead to overheating and breakdown of insulation, which causes an emergency stop of the power unit. Installing an additional circuit breaker will help solve the problem of supplying energy with the required parameters. Models are presented on the website .ua/ru/elektrooborudovanie/avtomatika/avtomaty-zaschity-dvigatelej/ companies Elektro-NVA, which provides direct supplies of this type of equipment from well-known manufacturers.
Principle of design and operation
The electrical circuit breaker is installed directly into the network in front of the electric motor. Performs the function of a voltage supply breaker in the event of:
- Increase in strength and current flow.
- Increase in temperature in the contact group.
Break network happens instantly. Restart (restoring contact) is carried out manually using an external switch key. The device can be used together with or instead of thermal fuses and standard switches.
Advantage of use
Breakers for electric motors are designed and manufactured taking into account established international standards. The devices fully comply with electrical, fire and environmental safety standards. The housing is made of non-conducting materials. It is checked for breakdown at special stands of the manufacturer. The housing has:
- Contact groups with threaded connection of wire cores.
- Mounting holes for fixing on the wall or using a DIN rail.
Unlike conventional automatic machines, in a device for protecting electric motors you can independently configure the thermal release to the rating of the power unit or taking into account the specifics of its operation.
Selection and free consultation
The permissible rated current of the machine used must be greater than the working one - it is recommended to use a 25 A device. When choosing analogues for protecting asynchronous three-phase electric motors, it is necessary to take into account that the starting current of these power units is 5–7 times higher than the rated one.
You can get more complete information and familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of the devices using the site description. Free consultation for interested clients is carried out by a full-time specialist. All presented types of machines are available in stock and are sold with the possibility of making a purchase online. Shipment is carried out on the day of payment. A delivery service is provided to the specified address using company transport.