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Home / Publications / Digest / Электрооборудование / Repair of a diesel generator is required: what to do if a power plant fails

Repair of a diesel generator is required: what to do if a power plant fails


How to increase the service time of a power plant without significant efforts and financial investments? First of all, for this you should adhere to the basic rules of operation.

Repair of a diesel generator is required: what to do if a power plant fails

Repair of a diesel generator in the country or any other private area may be needed at the most inopportune moment. How to minimize damage from a sudden shutdown of the power plant and what to do in order not to worsen its condition unintentionally?

How do I know if the generator is faulty?

Signs of a diesel power plant breakdown are:

  • Lack of any reaction to operator actions. The diesel generator does not turn on and, therefore, cannot be controlled.
  • Frequent stalls. The equipment stalls immediately after turning on or after a short period of time.
  • Excessive lubricant consumption. The device consumes several times more oil than usual.
  • The appearance of extraneous sounds. The generator knocks, squeaks and makes other abnormal noises.
  • Change the color of the exhaust gas. The gas takes on a dark blue or black tint.

What is advisable to do if at least one of the listed signs is found?

User behavior in the event of a breakdown or failure of the generator

To prevent a complete breakdown of a diesel generator and avoid a sharp deterioration in its condition, you should adhere to these recommendations:

  1. Immediately stop using the defective device. Using a broken generator can lead to dangerous consequences, which may injure others.
  2. Seek advice from a specialized service center. Experts will be able to remotely determine the severity of the problem and suggest a plan for further action.
  3. Transfer the device to specialists for diagnostics and service. An application for a high-quality repair of a diesel generator can be made here https://remtex.com .ua /remont-dizelnyih-generatorov /.
  4. Rent a fully functional generator for the duration of the repair.

What to do to keep the generator working as long as possible?

How to increase the service life of a power plant without significant effort and financial investment? First of all, for this you should adhere to the basic rules of operation.

Compliance with the recommendations has a positive effect on the quality and duration of generator operation, including:

  • Install the device in a well-ventilated area or outdoors, away from flammable objects and substances.
  • Use of new, fully functional cables and extension cords with no visible damage.
  • Use of high quality diesel fuel and oil for lubrication of working mechanisms.
  • Timely refueling and replacement of lubricants and regular cleaning of filter elements.
  • Storage in accordance with the rules of safe "conservation" in the event of prolonged downtime.

These rules and tips will help you avoid many problems when using a diesel generator.

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