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Quick assessment of counterparties

Финансы и Кредиты

The software product constantly updates existing databases

Quick assessment of counterparties

In the business world there are not only honest entrepreneurs, but also people and organizations whose goal is to deceive the customer or supplier. The program spark risks 1s is capable of showing all possible disadvantages of cooperation with an organization or a specific entrepreneur. Make your own decision whether it is worth risking your finances.

The advantage of the software product

The service is ideal for management personnel who make the most important decisions for the company. Suitable for business owners to independently make individual decisions on cooperation with other companies, suppliers, and distributors. The main advantages of using the program in practice, which is directly integrated into the 1C system, are worth highlighting:

  • Checking the accounting integrity with the future counterparty.
  • Lack of debt to other suppliers.
  • Availability of a seized bank account, equipment.
  • General assessment of the counterparty about its solvency.
  • Timely notification of bankruptcy in the future.

The software product constantly updates existing databases. By choosing and installing 1s park risks price service pays off many times over with the received up-to-date information. Accounting and financial services will never make a fatal mistake in the course of their daily work.

Standard program features

Before you start collaborating with a new company, or continue interacting with existing business connections , it is worth checking them for risks that you may encounter in the future. The information will be generated in the most convenient form for perception, without the need to independently find what is necessary for a reasoned adoption of a responsible decision:

  1. standard information about the entrepreneur, address, telephone numbers;
  2. lack of data in court or the tax service;
  3. open or closed arbitration cases of the company;
  4. history of financial movements, debts, loans, assets;
  5. availability of necessary licenses for activities.

 The program is able to show up-to-date information about the owners of the company with which you plan to cooperate. In some cases, this may also be important for decision making. Express assessment of counterparties https://oblako-pro.ru/ will significantly increase the security of any business. Will eliminate the need for complex and lengthy court proceedings in the future.

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