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Home / Publications / Digest / Metal rolling / Features of seamless stainless steel pipes

Features of seamless stainless steel pipes

Metal rolling

By purchasing stainless steel pipes, customers receive a reliable product for use in many industries.

Features of seamless stainless steel pipes

Stainless steel pipes have long established themselves as reliable components in the creation of pipelines for transporting water, gas, oil products, etc. Therefore, their purchase for many enterprises is a necessary action. For example, seamless stainless steel pipe is a rather popular product of rolled metal. Due to their properties, such pipes are used in many industrial sectors: chemical, gas, energy and others.

Features of stainless seamless pipes

The "Steel Group " company is engaged in the production and sale of stainless steel products. In particular, seamless stainless steel pipe is included in the product range. It is very important to study the specifications before ordering a specific batch of pipe products.

Since the product does not have a weld, it can provide a secure connection. Customers can rest assured that no leakage will occur under the pressure of gravity. Special attention is paid to the manufacturing process. As a rule, stainless steel pipes are made by different methods: rolling, pressing, forging, etc. The chemical composition of the steel fully meets the requirements of GOST. Alloy steel is used for production.

Separating products by type of production, cold-deformed and hot-deformed pipes can be noted. The first option includes pipes with walls of various thicknesses. Their use is advisable for laying complex pipeline systems. A sufficient carbon content is required to produce the second option.

Properties of stainless steel pipes

Seamless pipes have a number of properties that affect performance:

  • A smooth surface without defects is the main property of seamless pipes.
  • Strength and wear resistance.
  • Ability to withstand heavy loads.
  • High thermal conductivity.
  • Long service life.

Thus, purchasing stainless steel pipes, customers receive a reliable product for use in many industries. To order products, you can go to the company's website using the specified contact information.

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