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Custom house design: how to get your dream home


Such development of a house project allows you to realize any idea, to make your dream come true.

Custom house design: how to get your dream home

Individual design of houses: how to get your dream home.

The Internet is replete with photographs of individual buildings, which makes land owners want to create their dream home, try their hand at being an architect. Despite the seeming simplicity, construction design is a rather difficult task. Many companies offer turnkey solutions with additions and changes. These offers can save you time and money, but there can be unpleasant surprises in the process.

What is the difference between an individual project and a typical one

Individual design of houses allows clear and rational to plan the placement of premises and zones for various purposes, provides high functionality and practicality, provides for an advantageous location of the house on the site.

The indisputable advantages of individual house design are recognized:

  • high functionality and usability;
  • optimal use of resources;
  • the ability to plan the placement of vehicles, recreation areas, play and sports grounds, saunas, swimming pools, etc .;
  • exclusive exterior of buildings;
  • a complete package of technical documentation and drawings.

Choosing between a typical and an individual project, many prefer the second option. It makes it possible to take into account the wishes of all family members and implement the most optimal solution based on the budget.

Why is it profitable to order a ready-made individual project

Not all typical solutions, even with amendments and changes, are able to meet the needs of a large family. A private house should have higher comfort and convenience in comparison with an apartment, therefore it is better to order an individual design of a house in a specialized company with sufficient experience.

One of these is the construction company "Dniprobud". Its designers carefully study the features of the land plot, soil, proposed building materials and technologies. Various solutions are discussed together with the customer, the most optimal are selected.

Such a development of a house project allows you to realize any idea, to make your dream come true. At the same time, all technical documentation and drawings will comply with the established norms and standards, and the object erected on their basis will not create difficulties during commissioning and commissioning.

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