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Why is the hydraulic hose leaking?


The most common reason why a hydraulic hose can leak is because it is malfunctioning. Most leak problems for hydraulic hoses usa-kirov.ru/katalog/rti/rvd.html) linked to:

  • wrong choice of fitting type,
  • incorrect installation,
  • the absence or damage of the sealing collar,
  • excessive twisting of connections,
  • incorrect alignment of seals used,
  • damaged thread.

Some types of fittings leak more than others, especially after they have been removed and reinstalled. For example, removing and re-tightening a fitting can damage its threads, causing hydraulic oil to seep out. Such systems are usually sealed when first installed, but should not actually be reinstalled. If you still need to dismantle them, then you should install a completely new fitting.

Using o-rings and seals

To prevent leaks in the hydraulic hose, you can use O-rings. However, they are not a guaranteed solution to a problem if they are not chosen correctly. If the lip seal is not compatible with the fluid being conveyed or with the operating temperature range of the system, it may no longer perform its function. You need to make sure that the whole system is designed correctly and that all its parts and parts are compatible and work with each other in the most effective way.

Choosing hose size and correct parts for installation

Incorrect installation and positioning of the high pressure hydraulic hose can also cause leakage if the hose is not long enough. If the hydraulic hose is too short, it cannot expand and contract with constant changes in pressure and temperature. This will cause an increased load on the fittings, the hoses themselves and the cuffs, which will lead to leakage.

If hose supports and clamps have not been installed in the system, vibration can cause hose assemblies to malfunction. Clamps and brackets reduce stress on fittings and support heavy hose when pressurized.

Another reason is contamination of the hydraulic systems. It may damage the inner surface of the hydraulic hose and cause leakage. To avoid particles entering the hydraulic hose, all assemblies should be cleaned prior to installing fittings, either by flushing or blowing compressed air. After cleaning the hose assembly, use caps and plugs to keep the hose clean until it is installed in the system.

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