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When is it convenient to use a chain conveyor?


Not all factories have chain conveyors. Such equipment is more expensive than models with rubber bands, therefore it is installed only where practical and economical equipment cannot be used.

When is it convenient to use a chain conveyor?

The chain conveyor is a versatile conveying equipment. It is used in enterprises of various types for the automation of production lines. With its help, the labor intensity of manufacturing products is reduced, the number of working hours for employees is reduced and the quality of the finished product is improved. Before buy a chain conveyor , you need to determine its technical characteristics, find out how it works and how it happens. You can consult with a specialist when equipping an enterprise or familiarize yourself with the rules for choosing equipment yourself.

How it works

The chain conveyor is a kind of belt conveyor. It consists of a pair of drums (drive and tension), mounted on a metal frame. But instead of a tape, one or two metal chains are used as a working body, stretched between the cylinders.

Products are transported using such a conveyor only in special containers. Hang on the chain system:

  • Scrapers. Small flat panels that lift bulk material upward at any angle. It is prevented from spilling out by a solid sheet steel guardrail or a pipe-shaped body.
  • Buckets and cradles. With their help, a large amount of bulk, lumpy or liquid material is supplied at the required intervals. Can be transported by air, without underneath support.
  • Minecarts. With their help, chain conveyors move a large amount of products. The container rests on the base with wheels and slides along it when the chain moves.

Capacities are selected depending on the type of transported cargo and its features. It can be any material: free-flowing, lumpy, liquid. It is not profitable to move only piece objects in this way.


Chain conveyors have several features that made them popular:

  • Resistant to high temperatures. All parts of the system are made of metal. It loses its strength and melts only when very hot. Therefore, such equipment is installed in the hot shops of metallurgical plants.
  • The containers of the chain conveyor can be hermetically sealed. This is important when handling fine-grained dry material. It will not generate dust hazardous to the respiratory system in the plant.
  • High lifting capacity. Chains can withstand tens and hundreds of kilograms of weight, so they are used to move heavy objects.

Not all factories have chain conveyors. Such equipment is more expensive than models with rubber bands, therefore it is installed only where practical and economical equipment cannot be used. On the site https://spb.rutkonveer.ru you can get acquainted with its technical characteristics and study features of use.

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