Home / News / Mining industry / Ingulets GOK increased rye crops on tailings dumps and banks

Ingulets GOK increased rye crops on tailings dumps and banks

Mining industry / Ukraine
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This is how the plant's ecologists fight dust. In addition to rye, places with metallurgical waste are sown with rapeseed and wild-growing herbs, which not only restrain dusting, but also improve the aesthetic appearance of disturbed lands.

Ingulets GOK increased rye crops on tailings dumps and banks

To combat dust formation at the tailings and dumps of the Ingulets Mining and Processing Plant (INGOK), rye has been sown since last year. Today, rye grows and spikes abundantly there, and its ramified root system forms a solid barrier to spraying the topsoil.

The plant's ecologists note that the cereal plants have taken root well in the conditions of the tailing dump. Last year rye was sown on 6 hectares, this year - 7.5 hectares.

A similar "green" technique is used on the slopes of dumps. They are sown with rapeseed and wild-growing herbs. Since it is impossible to work with seeders and tractors on slopes, the mixture of seeds and nutrients is applied using a water jet.

“We consider biological reclamation projects to be promising and effective. They are aimed at reducing the technogenic load on the environment. Firstly, plants significantly restrain the amount of dust, and secondly, they improve the aesthetic appearance of disturbed lands, ”says Evgeny Bokhonsky, head of the environmental protection department of Inguletsky GOK of Metinvest.

To improve the environmental situation, young trees are planted annually in the area of ​​the Ingulets housing estate and surrounding villages on the initiative of INGOK. This year, twenty fir trees and two hundred ash trees have been planted on the residential area, and last year, thanks to the plant, five and a half thousand trees were greened.

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