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Home / News / North America / Florida showed the yacht is constructed from stainless steel

Florida showed the yacht is constructed from stainless steel

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Super yacht stainless steel with an area of 90,000 square feet, which rises above the water on hydraulic supports, represented in Florida - a few billionaires are already lining up to buy "floating mansion".

Florida showed the yacht is constructed from stainless steel

At the 60th annual international boat show in Fort Lauderdale, which is currently taking place in Florida, was presented the world's first yacht completely made of stainless steel.

the area of 9 000 square feet called Mansion Yacht is perhaps the most characteristic vessel ever exhibited at the famous show. During Parking, the yacht turns into the bungalows, staying above sea level with four hydraulic supports.

According to Bruno Edwards of the Mansion, the Yacht, several billionaires have expressed interest in buying a luxurious vessel, however, the level of prices for stainless steel yacht he did not say.

However, Edwards told the correspondent of Fox Business that the operation of the ship from stainless steel is 25% cheaper than assembled from fiberglass.

Once on Board, passengers can easily forget that they are in the open sea, the yacht is designed to look and feel like on land.

three-story structure has five large bedrooms, five bathrooms and five separate rooms, making it ideal for coastal parties.

Having a complete kit for entertainment and relaxation, the yacht is equipped with 72 solar panels and practically do not emit greenhouse gases, as evidenced by a "green" certificate.

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