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The Russian government approved a point system for assessing the level of localization in shipbuilding

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A similar system was previously launched in the Russian car industry.

The Russian government approved a point system for assessing the level of localization in shipbuilding

A point system for assessing the level of localization in the shipbuilding industry will begin to operate in Russia. The decision was approved by the Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. The decision taken will help to form a flexible system for assessing the level of localization, will stimulate the processes of import substitution and the development of the industry.

The methodology approved by the decree allows you to determine which products can be considered Russian. This is an important factor, since the high level of localization gives shipbuilders access to state support instruments, including targeted subsidies.

As part of a new approach to determining the level of localization, each category of components is assigned a point. Moreover, its value is determined in proportion to the cost and complexity of the equipment. Shipbuilders, in turn, can independently decide how to combine parts so that the ship is highly appreciated and recognized as Russian.

The resolution provides for an increase in localization requirements as the production of components grows. For example, until June 30, 2023, in order to receive state support for the construction of a hovercraft, you must score at least 1950 points, from July 1, 2023 - 2200 points, from July 1, 2025 - 2550 points.

In 2020, the Ministry of Industry and Trade developed a point system for calculating the level of localization of ship production in Russia. Points will be awarded for the performance of specific technological operations and the use of domestic shipboard equipment in the construction of marine equipment. The amount of points will reflect the level of actual containment of each specific type of vessel.

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