Home / News / Ukraine / The price of gas for Ukraine's population will grow in November, by almost 15%
Home / News / Ukraine / The price of gas for Ukraine's population will grow in November, by almost 15%

The price of gas for Ukraine's population will grow in November, by almost 15%


In November, the price of natural gas for the needs of the population and other consumers, who receive gas on regulated terms (PSO), will be 4 of 899.00 UAH per thousand cubic meters (without VAT, marketing margin and transport costs).

The price of gas for Ukraine's population will grow in November, by almost 15%

NAK "Naftogaz Ukraine" in November will increase the price of natural gas for the population and other consumers of PSO 14.7% (or 626,24 UAH) compared with the price last month to 4,899 thousand UAH for 1 thousand cubic m (without VAT and transportation cost), reported the press service of the company.

At the same time, "Naftogaz" note that the price of gas for the population is the lowest November price, 2016.

this month, the regulated price of gas was higher than the price on the terms of the offer from Naftogaz "Gas supply" (4 874,42 UAH per thousand cubic meters), therefore, consumers who have used this offer, save your money. If the consumer does not use over the winter season, the entire prepaid amount, the balance will return this to the consumer in his account in full.

we will Remind, the gas price for population in Ukraine is now determined by a formula which reflects the market price with a two-month lag. The formula is contained in resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers 03.04.2019 number 293 and is valid until the end of 2019.

To define gas price for Naftogaz PSO selects the lowest level among the 4 defined by the government of options - costs of Naftogaz for commercial users last month, according to data of the Ministry, the average customs value of gas last month, the average price on the Ukrainian energy exchange, and prices by government order No. 867 of 19 October 2018.

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