Home / News / Ukraine / Mercedes is planning massive layoffs due to new environmental regulations
Home / News / Ukraine / Mercedes is planning massive layoffs due to new environmental regulations

Mercedes is planning massive layoffs due to new environmental regulations

Ukraine / Europe / Engineering

Manufacturer of luxury cars Mercedes-Benz plans to cut at least 1,000 jobs at its plants next year.

Mercedes is planning massive layoffs due to new environmental regulations

the owner of the Mercedes-Benz Daimler said it will lay off workers from their factories to save a billion euros by 2022. The company plans to reduce the number of workers by at least 1000 people.

Money Daimler needed to upgrade factories Mercedes-Benz, which in 2022 to meet European targets to reduce emissions CO2

"a Growing range of hybrid and electric vehicles with plug-ins leads to an increase in costs," the company said.

Daimler has promised to fire in the first place the office staff, performs managerial and administrative functions.

European automakers are facing the problem of sales of models with low or zero emissions to meet the new standards of the European Union.

According to these rules, by 2021 the average level of emissions of CO2 from new cars sold in the EU, should be reduced to 95 grams per kilometer, which is 40% below the 2007 level.

in addition, the emissions must be reduced by another 37.5 per cent between 2021 and 2030.

Daimler also plans to cut variable costs for trucks of 250 million euros and personnel costs by 300 million euros by the end of 2022.

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