Home / News / Ukraine / NBU will receive 170 million from the sale of the Kherson oil transshipment complex
Home / News / Ukraine / NBU will receive 170 million from the sale of the Kherson oil transshipment complex

NBU will receive 170 million from the sale of the Kherson oil transshipment complex

Ukraine / Business and Finance

the national Bank of Ukraine will receive 170 million from the sale transferred to the mortgage Kherson oil transshipment complex.

NBU will receive 170 million from the sale of the Kherson oil transshipment complex

November 18, 2019 on an electronic platform OpenMarket State Executive service of the Ministry of justice were sold to the Kherson oil transshipment complex for 200 million hryvnia. This was announced by the National Bank of Ukraine Tuesday, November 19.

the Property was exposed on the repeated auctions in the framework of enforcement proceedings on levy of execution on him on account of repayment of debt provided by NBU refinancing loan PJSC "real Bank". The starting price for the second auction totaled 161 200 000 UAH (in comparison with the first allowance auction was 20%).

the auction has registered and paid the guarantee fee (more than UAH 8 million) five participants. The highest bid proposed by the winner of the auction amounted to 200 million hryvnia, which is almost the same as the start value of the property at the first auction.

the Initial value determined by the results of the evaluation of the property intended by the state by a subject of appraisal activity.

"Therefore the said property is actually sold at its market value as determined by an independent appraiser. Funds received from the sale of oil transshipment complex will be used to repay debt of PJSC "real Bank" by loan refinancing. In General, waiting for arrivals 170 million from the sale of the asset as 10% of the sale price is the Executive collection, and 5% is the reward of the organizer of the auction," - said the head of debt collection Department on work with troubled assets Evgeniy Bulavin.

Order of realization of seized property does not provide for the disclosure of the winner and of the bidders. Final information about the winner of the auction will appear after the signing of the Protocol and the transfer of funds for acquisitions.

the Kherson neftepervalki recognized as a material evidence in the case of Sergei Kurchenko and arrested the Pechersk district court of Kyiv on 16 April 2014. In July this year, the court gave the Kherson oil transshipment complex in the management of Agency search and management of assets (ARMA).

the Kherson oil transshipment complex consists of unloaded and tank farms. Tank farm unloaded includes 13 working tanks with a capacity 38,85 thousand cubic meters. m. the Complex has access to three marinas.

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