Home / News / Ukraine / The Eurasian Commission has announced the final amount of duties on Ukrainian zinc
Home / News / Ukraine / The Eurasian Commission has announced the final amount of duties on Ukrainian zinc

The Eurasian Commission has announced the final amount of duties on Ukrainian zinc

Ukraine / Ferrous metallurgy

Facts on the basis of which the conclusion is contained in the Department report "On the results of antidumping investigation against galvanized steel originating in the people's Republic of China and Ukraine and imported into the customs territory of the Eurasian economic Union".

The Eurasian Commission has announced the final amount of duties on Ukrainian zinc

the Department of domestic market protection of the Eurasian economic Commission informed of the completion of the antidumping investigation against galvanized steel, manufactured by a Chinese and the Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises and imported into the customs territory of the EAEU.

In accordance with paragraph 107 of the Protocol on application of special protective, antidumping and countervailing measures against third countries (Appendix No. 8 to the Treaty on the Eurasian economic Union of 29 may 2014) and on the basis of the report of the Department of domestic market protection of the Eurasian economic Commission (hereinafter – the Department) the Board of the Eurasian economic Commission on 3 December 2019 adopted a decision on the application for a period of 5 years antidumping measure by introduction of antidumping duties in respect of imported into the customs territory of the Eurasian economic Union galvanized steel originating in the people's Republic of China and Ukraine, in the following sizes (in percentage of customs value):

a) for galvanized steel originating in the people's Republic of China: of 17.00 % for Angang Steel Company Limited; of 15.12 % for Shandong Esdawn Metal Technology Development Co., Ltd.; Of 14.39 % for Xinjiang Bayi Iron & Steel Co., Ltd.; Of 12.69 % for DongE Yike Panel Co., Ltd.; Of 14.93 % for Shandong Sino Steel Co., Ltd., Gansu Jiu Steel Group Hongxing Iron And Steel Co., Ltd and Dalian Posco Co., Ltd.; Of 17.00 % for other manufacturers.

b) for galvanized steel originating in Ukraine: of 23.90 % for the PJSC "MMK im. Of Ilyich" (an enterprise of group "Metinvest"); of 23.90 % for other manufacturers.

at the same time the Board of the Eurasian economic Commission adopted the decision on approval adopted by the Chinese companies Angang Steel Company Limited, Shandong Esdawn Metal Technology Development Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Bayi Iron Steel Co., DongE Yike Panel Co. and Gansu Jiu Steel Group Hongxing Iron And Steel Co. pricing obligations. Anti-dumping duty is not payable galvanized steel production of these companies imported under price commitments.

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