Home / News / Ukraine / Dneprovskiy metallurgical plant is ready to fill with slag, all the roads of Ukraine
Home / News / Ukraine / Dneprovskiy metallurgical plant is ready to fill with slag, all the roads of Ukraine

Dneprovskiy metallurgical plant is ready to fill with slag, all the roads of Ukraine


the factory has already developed the technical terms "Slag blast for civil works and the steelmaking Slag for civil works".

Dneprovskiy metallurgical plant is ready to fill with slag, all the roads of Ukraine

as a result of economic activities on the Dnieper metallurgical plant has accumulated about 8 million tons of slag. As told at the enterprise, in the near future metallurgical slag DMK will begin to use in the construction of roads in the Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Donetsk, Lugansk, Nikolaev and Kirovograd areas.

Previously coalsalesthat the government of Ukraine adopted the resolution "On application of waste products in road construction". This only applies to waste relevant normative documents on environmental labelling and Declaration.

On slag DMK developed by the technical terms "Slag blast for civil works and the steelmaking Slag for civil works".

Yuri Bayrak, the chief of service of environmental control of industrial safety of JSC "DMK" explained that the toxins placed on special dumps, covering an area of 99.5 hectares.

"On the slag dump was developed and approved in accordance with legislation of the Passport disposal of wastes. According to the requirements of the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of the Procedure of keeping the register of waste disposal sites" annual revision of the Passport with changes in the volume of accumulated toxins and the results of environmental monitoring of the environment, that is, laboratory studies of soil, air, and surface and groundwater," says Yu. Bayrak.

According to him, waste is not really waste, but a stable, inert material that is a perfect substitute for natural gravel. Every year the plant sells and uses in its own production, about 60% of blast-furnace and steelmaking slags, which are formed as a result of technological processes of smelting of iron and steel.

Now, according to the decision of the government in the implementation of public procurement of construction works and services for maintenance of public highways necessary to provide for the use of non-price criterion "measures to protect the environment" with its specific weight not less than 10%.

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