Home / News / Ukraine / AMC has ordered "Ukrzaliznytsya" cancel dubious tender for purchase of gas
Home / News / Ukraine / AMC has ordered "Ukrzaliznytsya" cancel dubious tender for purchase of gas

AMC has ordered "Ukrzaliznytsya" cancel dubious tender for purchase of gas


At the meeting of the Antimonopoly Committee ordered "Ukrzaliznytsya" to cancel the tenders, but left the company the opportunity to appeal the decision in court.

AMC has ordered "Ukrzaliznytsya" cancel dubious tender for purchase of gas

problems with the state monopoly appeared through the controversies in the tender documents, which some buyers have the advantage. Board of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine ordered the "Ukrzaliznytsya" to cancel several tenders for the purchase of gas at its meeting on 21 February. Earlier in these tenders, reporters found corruption factors that violate the rules of public procurement. this is the correspondent of Delo.ua meeting of the AMC.

Explaining the tender documents to which the journalists had questions, the representatives of the "uz" stated that it was guided by the position of a possible emergency. According to representatives of state-owned companies, in storage "uz" could result in gas, which could result in an emergency situation throughout the Ukraine.

Arguing that, "uz" was based on a letter from DHHS, which allegedly confirmed the possibility of emergencies. However, as it turned out, representatives of ULTRASOUND is not attached to the tender documents the letter and filed it only at the meeting of the AMC.

In turn, the side of the appellant, in particular, the company "Energy Central Counterparty" provided another letter from DHHS, dated February 2020, which did not confirm the fact of occurrence of emergency situations due to the lack of gas in storage.

On specifying question of journalists, how is it that DSNS provided two letters in one case with different conclusions, the representatives of the UZ stressed that this is not a question for them, and in the civil service.

In summary, the results of the session of the Antimonopoly Committee ordered "Ukrzaliznytsya" to cancel the tenders, but left the company the opportunity to appeal the decision in court.

Recall, "uz" in December 2019 announced a public auction for the purchase of gas amounting 682 500 000 UAH. According to the representative of "Our money" Yuri Nikolov, "software manufacturing" "UZ" the negotiation procedure for the procurement of gas, 31 January, four of the five lots rejected several cheap offers, announcing its intention to conclude a contract in the amount 201,13 million UAH with the "Ukrgazbank" and "Blagovestie". In these firms I want to order 20 000 000 cubic meters of gas each.

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