Home / News / Ukraine / Metallurgists of Donbass accounted for about 80% of foreign exchange earnings of the region in the first half of the year 2020
Home / News / Ukraine / Metallurgists of Donbass accounted for about 80% of foreign exchange earnings of the region in the first half of the year 2020

Metallurgists of Donbass accounted for about 80% of foreign exchange earnings of the region in the first half of the year 2020

Ukraine / Ferrous metallurgy
1 756

Metallurgical enterprises of Donetsk region in January – may 2020 provided over 40% of industrial production of the region and 79% of foreign exchange earnings from exports.

Metallurgists of Donbass accounted for about 80% of foreign exchange earnings of the region in the first half of the year 2020
Фото: Соцсети / Дмитрий Алимкин

the State of the industry and the entire economy of Donetsk region partly depends on the metallurgical complex. Enterprises of metallurgical production and production of finished metal products in January–may 2020 sold products 40.0 billion, which is 40.6% of the total volume of industrial production in the region and 28.6% of sales and metallurgical complex of Ukraine (excluding the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol and temporarily occupied part of the territories in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions). From exports of ferrous metals in January–may 2020 received $ 1.2 billion million, or 79.0 percent of foreign exchange earnings from export of all goods enterprises of the region and 37.7% of foreign exchange earnings from exports of ferrous metals in Ukraine.

Export orientation is a factor of economic growth and at the same time is dependent on fluctuations in external markets. In early 2019 appeared negative trend of falling export prices of ferrous metals, and for the whole year they fell in the Donetsk region compared to 2018 is 12.4%, which was a shortfall of 491,9 million dollars of foreign exchange earnings. This year, the situation has worsened due to the falling demand in a pandemic coronavirus infection. Export supplies of ferrous metal enterprises of the region decreased in January–may 2020 compared with the same period of 2019 to 330,1 million, or by 21.0%. The weighted average price per ton of exported metal decreased by 12.1%, resulting in foreign exchange earnings decreased by 170,8 million dollars. Losses due to reduction of physical volume of export made 159,3 million dollars.

Total volume of production in metallurgical production and production of finished metal products in January–may 2020 in comparison with January–may of the previous year decreased by 6.6% (as at the end of the first quarter, growth was 6.0%). This was due to the downturn in April and may compared with the same months of 2019 respectively 26.7% and 20.4%. However, the company used this period for planned maintenance and major repairs of metallurgical units, which allows for the recovery of the metal demand to return to the previous volume of production, but to increase them.

the Development of metallurgical production also depends on his investments. According to the latest data in the first quarter of 2020, enterprises of metallurgical production and production of finished metal products region was used by 1.9 billion UAH of capital investments. This amounted to 61.9% of the total volume of capital investments in industry (in the first quarter of 2019 – 57,1%). The proportion of metallurgy of the region in investing and metallurgical complex of Ukraine has increased over this period from 33,0% to 40.5%. However, the total volume of capital investments in metallurgical production and production of finished metal products region in the first quarter of 2020 in comparison with the same period of 2019 has decreased (taking into account price changes) by 19.4%.

In January–may 2020 at the enterprises of metallurgical production and production of finished metal products in the region was occupied by 30.7 thousand people, or every fifth worker of the industry. Their average monthly wage amounted to 17 032 hryvnias, which is 14.7% more than in January–may 2019. In may 2020, the level of payment of labour of metallurgists has grown in comparison with the same month in 2019 by 11.2% and amounted to UAH 17 924.

help. On the third Sunday of July (in 2020 – 19 July) to celebrate in Ukraine established by the decree of the President No. 187/93, dated 3 June 1993, the professional holiday – Day of workers of metallurgical and mining industry.

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