Home / News / Ukraine / European auto industry ready to move to electric vehicles much earlier than 2030 - ACEA

European auto industry ready to move to electric vehicles much earlier than 2030 - ACEA

Ukraine / Europe / Engineering

This is hampered by the lack of a legal framework in the EU for the rapid deployment of private charging infrastructure at home and in the workplace.

European auto industry ready to move to electric vehicles much earlier than 2030 - ACEA

The European Association of Automobile Manufacturers (ACEA) has called for a review of the CO 2 Regulation for cars and vans, with a view to setting strict targets for the deployment of EU-wide charging infrastructure set as part of the revision of the Alternative Infrastructure Law fuel (AFID).

“Our industry's huge investment in alternative engine vehicles is paying off. Indeed, in the past year, almost one in ten vehicles registered in the EU was with an electric motor. But this trend can only be sustained if governments start making appropriate investments in charging infrastructure, ”stressed ACEA President and BMW CEO Oliver Zipse. “This is why any new CO 2 targets for cars up to 2030 must be subject to adequate infrastructure build-up.

This means that there must be a link between the CO target 2 on the one hand and mandatory and achievable national targets for charging and filling stations on the other.

In addition, the association rightly believes that EU member states should implement a legal framework for the rapid deployment of private charging infrastructure at home and in the workplace.

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