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Home / News / Ukraine / Volkswagen plans to invest 14 billion euros in decarbonization

Volkswagen plans to invest 14 billion euros in decarbonization

Ukraine / Europe / Engineering
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In addition, the German carmaker will build wind and solar power plants for the transition to renewable energy sources.

Volkswagen plans to invest 14 billion euros in decarbonization
Фото: Генеральный директор Volkswagen Ральф Брандштеттер

On Thursday, the German carmaker Volkswagen presented a plan to reduce harmful emissions and improve the overall greenness of its business. The company estimates a comprehensive package of measures aimed at accelerating sustainable production and use of electric vehicles at 14 billion euros.

The company has promised that by 2050 it will become completely carbon neutral, that is, it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere as a whole to zero.

By 2030, at least 70% of Volkswagen vehicles in Europe and 50% in China and the United States will be electric. This should reduce harmful emissions in Europe by 40%, to 17 tons of CO 2 per vehicle.

The company also presented plans to switch to renewable energy sources. By 2030, electricity at Volkswagen plants in Europe, the Americas will come from renewable sources. More specific plans include investments in solar and wind power projects in Europe to reach 40 million euros by 2025.

Among other things, Volkswagen has already signed an agreement with the German energy company RWE - the carmaker will take part in the creation of a solar power plant in Germany, which from 2022 will have to produce 170 million kWh of electricity.

In recent months, a number of automakers, including General Motors, Volvo, Jaguar, Porsche, have presented plans to switch to the production of purely electric vehicles in the next 5-15 years and expand the use of renewable energy sources.

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