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Ukraine will improve the safety of nuclear facilities

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The Ministry of Energy of Ukraine proposes to return to the legislation the status of General Designer of a nuclear power complex.

Ukraine will improve the safety of nuclear facilities

Today, at a meeting, the Cabinet of Ministers approved a draft law providing for the return of the status of the general designer of a nuclear installation, uranium facility and facility intended for radioactive waste management.

The bill was developed by the Ministry of Energy. The document provides for amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On the Use of Nuclear Energy and Radiation Safety".

The main goal is to ensure the safety of nuclear power facilities and limit their impact on the population and the environment in accordance with the fundamental requirements of the IAEA.

The restoration of the status of the General Designer, according to the plans of the officials, will have to guarantee the high quality of the design work performed.

"This will ensure the timely design and construction of new nuclear facilities, extension of the service life and improvement of the safety of operating nuclear installations and other facilities in the industry," the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine said.

The main functions of the General Designer are to coordinate all engineering and design activities at nuclear hazardous facilities, as well as to meet the requirements of the nuclear legislation of Ukraine and other regulatory documents during new construction and modification of NPP power units and uranium facility.

At the same time, it is important to preserve and maintain a unique archive of the originals of all project documentation.


In 2000, new General Provisions for Ensuring the Safety of Nuclear Power Plants were approved, which removed the status of the general designer of the nuclear power complex and, as a result, the functions and responsibilities that were assigned to the relevant organizations.

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