Home / Press Releases / MMK in 2019 sent to the environment more than 8.7 billion rubles
Home / Press Releases / MMK in 2019 sent to the environment more than 8.7 billion rubles

MMK in 2019 sent to the environment more than 8.7 billion rubles

Press Releases
Another 3.4 billion roubles, which the CMI sent to the current activities in environmental protection: repairs and maintenance of environmental facilities, remediation, disposal, arrangement of industrial environmental control, etc.
Total investments in environmental activities for the 2015-2019 period amounted to more than 20 billion rubles, while there has been a steady growth of investment in 2019, they have increased almost 2.5 times compared to 2015. By 2025 investment in the construction of environmental protection facilities will amount to 38.1 billion rubles, most of which (57%) will focus on measures to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.
PAO MMK has developed and is implementing a long term Environmental programme, covering all production processes and aim to introduce the best available technologies. This program allows us to reduce the existing level of impact on the environment and to ensure environmental safety of technological processes. In accordance with the Environmental programme of JSC "MMK" in 2019 was made 80 technical measures aimed at reducing and preventing negative impacts on the environment, another 8 events will continue in 2020.
among the most significant environmental activities of the Environmental programme of JSC "MMK" in 2019 – construction and commissioning of environmental protection facilities of the new sinter plant No. 5, as well as construction dust suppression systems in the workshop of sinter charge preparation and coal preparation plant. Sinter plant №5 is equipped with 20 modern high-performance environmental objects and corresponds to the best world available technologies. Commissioning of the new sinter plant has an opportunity to retire obsolete equipment sinter plant No. 4 (four sintering machine). As a result, dust emissions will be reduced in two times, sulfur dioxide – four times, benzpyrene – in 16 times. At the end of 2019-2020 is expected to reduce dust emission at the sintering plant at 2075 tons, sulfur dioxide – 3,500 tons.
Thanks to the earlier reconstruction of a water circulation system with the expansion tank the coolant MMK in 2019 has ceased all discharges of pollutants into the Magnitogorsk reservoir, dropped from the outside of the dam 1000 seedlings of shrub and released in the reservoir more than 200 thousand fry carp. Continued in 2019 and ambitious program of gardening Magnitogorsk, in which in the city 2630 planted tree seedlings.
Implementation of the environmental programme allowed to reduce the harmful effects on the environment. Thus, gross emissions of polluting substances into the atmosphere in 2019 decreased by 1.2 thousand tons in relation to the 2018, gross discharge of contaminants into water bodies has decreased in 2,4 times. In oposite as secondary material resources used 1.8 million tons of waste production in dedicated plants recycled 10,569 million tons of slag. In August 2019, the international certifying body TUV NORD CERT GmbH (Germany) conducted surveillance audit of environmental management system (EMS), PJSC "MMK" on conformity to requirements of international standard ISO 14001 version 2015 and came to the conclusion about the performance of SAM.
Permanent reduction and prevention of harmful effects on the environment is an indispensable element of a strategy aimed at long-term and sustainable development of the MMK. The plant implemented a strategic initiative "Clean city", which implies that the complex index of air pollution in Magnitogorsk will decline by 2025 to 5 units, which corresponds to the state of "clean city". It is planned to reduce total emissions in Magnitogorsk by 20% and emissions of the most harmful substances 1 and 2 hazard class – 10 times. A key role in the achievement of goals should play in the construction of modern environmental protection equipment for new production facilities coke oven and blast furnace redistribution: launched in 2019, the sinter plant No. 5 and the planned commissioning of new coke battery No. 12, and a new blast furnace. The launch of these units will gradually decommission one sinter plant, the coke oven batteries, three blast furnaces.
Department of information and public relations of OJSC "MMK"

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