Home / Press Releases / Severstal announced the winners of the first stage of the Style of Steel creative project competition
Home / Press Releases / Severstal announced the winners of the first stage of the Style of Steel creative project competition

Severstal announced the winners of the first stage of the Style of Steel creative project competition

Press Releases

PJSC Severstal has summed up the results of the First stage of the annual competition of creative projects for children and youth of Cherepovets "Style of Steel".

The competition is held with the participation of Severstal, the mayor's office of Cherepovets, Media Center , the company TUI Russia, the Cherepovets Museum Association, the Culture and Children Foundation and is dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Andreevich Milyutin - the actual state councilor, major industrialist, economist, educator, benefactor, mayor of the city of Cherepovets from 1861 to 1907

This year 114 schoolchildren of grades 5-11 took part in the competition. They visited the exposition of the museum “House of I.A. Milyutin ”and took part in an educational quest on the streets of the city. Many guys came with their parents and friends, who also got involved in the creative work, sent their small photo reports.

46 entries of the participants became the winners of the First Stage: 24 participants from the younger group (11-13 years old) and 22 participants from the older group (14-18 years old).

The winners will take part in the Second stage, which will be held under the motto "The destiny of great deeds will be done, perhaps, by you" and will take place on October 12-13 at the Museum "House of I.A. Milyutin ". A practical lesson "Interview with a Hero" and a workshop on the creation of a design layout for a printed publication dedicated to one of the important events in the activities of I.A. Milyutin.

The rest of the participants of the competition, who did not pass to the Second stage, will be offered to visit the excursions in the I.A. Milyutin October 12-13.

At the final, third stage, the children will have to show their creativity and make a collage for the cover design of the museum guide dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the birth of IA Milyutin and comment on it.

The final results will be announced in December 2019.

Winners in each age group will have the opportunity to visit one of the cities of Russia as tourists. The main prizes are provided by the partner of the competition - the travel company TUI Russia.

“We are confident that participation in the competition will give the young residents of the city an opportunity to learn more about this outstanding person, the most effective city head of the time, to evaluate his contribution to the development of their native city. We are convinced that communication on excursions with leading museum specialists, in particular with Elvira Petrovna Rimmer, who has been studying the activities of Ivan Andreevich for many years, will help them in this. On the occasion of the 190th anniversary of the birth of Milyutin, her book has been republished, which will become one of the prizes for the winners of the Third Stage of the Competition, "commented Natalya Poppel, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility and Brand at Severstal.

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