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Polymetals production modernized the boiler room

Press Releases
Polymetals production modernized the boiler room

In the branch "Production of polymetals (PPM) of JSC" Uralelectromed "(an enterprise of the metallurgical complex of UMMC), the transition to a new reserve fuel - from fuel oil to diesel fuel has been completed. PPM is the main supplier of heat to the residential area of ​​Kirovgrad. The branch accounts for about 40% of the total heat volume.

According to the chief power engineer of the branch, Vladislav Kalinin, the main fuel for the PPM boiler house is natural gas. In the event of emergency situations on the supply gas pipeline or other restrictions on gas consumption, the uninterrupted operation of the boiler room is ensured by the reserve fuel economy. The use of fuel oil as a reserve fuel presupposes keeping it in constant readiness: fuel oil in a heated state must circulate between the storage facility and the boiler house. There is no such need for diesel fuel.

The technological scheme of storage and fuel supply of diesel fuel is more economical in comparison with the fuel oil economy: the need for constant fuel heating and pump operation is eliminated. The annual savings when using the diesel engine will amount to 3,000 Gcal for heat and 50,000 kW /h for electricity.

The new fuel complex consists of a diesel fuel storage tank, a pumping station for circulation and an automated control system.

During the construction of the facility, special attention was paid to compliance with safety requirements. The diesel fuel warehouse is equipped with a fire alarm, explosion-proof electrical equipment is used. In the event of an emergency, to eliminate the consequences of a fuel spill under the tanks and the pumping station, special reinforced concrete pallets with sides were made for collection and subsequent transportation to a buried tank through gravity pipelines.

Specialists from the power department, the workshop for centralized equipment repair took part in the project. , LLC "UMMC-Telecom", automation control of the main site. The maintenance of the diesel fuel economy will be carried out by the personnel of the heat power department of the power department after training.

At the moment, the improvement of the territory of the fuel economy site is being completed. By the beginning of the heating season, the work will be completely completed.
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