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Analysis of industrial emissions samples from Tvertest LLC


The company has accredited testing laboratories equipped with modern measuring instruments and equipment.

Analysis of industrial emissions samples from Tvertest LLC

If an industrial enterprise has stationary sources of emissions, it is obliged to take samples of industrial emissions. For this purpose, instrumental measurements are used. The company Tvertest LLC conducts research of industrial emissions samples at a high professional level. This is an independent testing laboratory that provides a wide range of services to businesses and organizations. 

Stages of conducting research and analyzing samples of industrial emissions

At the initial stage, you can submit an application and enter into an agreement with the company. After this, air samples will be taken and delivered to the laboratory for testing. Here, a comprehensive analysis of samples and monitoring of the results will be carried out. At the final stage, a protocol will be drawn up with the results of the analysis.

What is work area air analysis?

A work area means the place of temporary or permanent residence of an employee. To maintain optimal working conditions for employees, it is advisable to carry out air analysis of the working area . The concentration of harmful substances in the workplace should not exceed maximum permissible standards. Otherwise, this will negatively affect the health and performance of the employee.  

For what purposes is air analysis carried out at the employee’s place of work:

  1. Conducting production control.
  2. Special assessment of working conditions.

By contacting the specialists of the company Tvertest LLC, you can conduct an air analysis in in accordance with the law. 

Test center services in Tver

The company offers comprehensive services and performs all types of laboratory tests. They are carried out in laboratory conditions using high-quality laboratory equipment. Among the most common services of the company are:

  1. Radiological studies.
  2. Testing of food and alcohol products.
  3. Air testing.
  4. Soil tests.
  5. Water tests.

Specialists analyze washouts based on microbiological indicators and conduct electrical tests. A detailed list of services is available on the website. It will allow you to get acquainted with all types of services and order the studies that are necessary. For detailed information about services, costs and deadlines, please visit the website.

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