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Balanced diet for rabbits: what’s on your pet’s menu

Сельское хозяйство

In this article, we will look at what products are essential in the rabbit’s menu, in order to provide him with all the necessary daily nutrition.

Balanced diet for rabbits: what’s on your pet’s menu

Proper nutrition is the key to keeping your rabbit healthy and active. A balanced diet helps to overcome many illnesses, improves the hair growth and ensures a long and happy life for your lover. In this article, we will look at what products are essential in the rabbit’s menu in order to provide it with all the necessary daily nutrition.

Main components of the rabbit’s diet

1. Sino

Sino is the main and most important component of a rabbit’s diet. It provides the necessary strength of the cellulose, which counteracts normal etching and helps to wear out the teeth, which in rabbits grow throughout their life. The hay must be fresh, fragrant, without mold and saw. The best choice is meadow hay or timothy. Details at Youtube.

2. Fresh vegetables

Fresh vegetables are an important source of vitamins and minerals for the rabbit. You can include carrots, broccoli, lettuce, spinach, parsley, crepe and zucchini in your diet. Avoid vegetables with a high content of oxalates, such as spinach in large quantities, as well as cabbage, which can cause bloating.

3. Fruits

Fruits can be given to rabbits as lasochka, or in small pieces through a tall pulp. The most suitable ones are apples (without berries), pears, bananas, berries and meat. Give fruit no more than once or twice a week.

4. Pelleted food

Pelleted food helps provide the rabbit with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. It is important to choose high-acid food, specially prepared for rabbits, without any additives or preservatives. The guilt granules contain approximately 5-10% of the rabbit's nutritional diet. About the choice of yak food, read here https://linktr.ee/masterzoo.ua .

5. Fresh water

Rabbits have constant access to fresh and clean water. Create special cages for rodents so that the water is kept clean and does not become cloudy. The water should be changed daily.

Additional components of the diet

1. Greens and grass

Rabbits love fresh leaves and grass. Before your diet, you can include kulbab, horseweed, mint, basil, raspberry leaves and other healthy herbs. It is important to collect greens from clean areas, far from roads and industrial zones.

2. Vitamin and mineral supplements

If there is a deficiency of vitamins or minerals in the diet, you can add special supplements recommended by your veterinarian. This will help maintain the health of the rabbit and prevent the development of deficiencies.

3. Tills and bark of trees

Tills of fruit trees, such as apples and pears, have a miraculous property for wearing teeth and provide additional cellulose. It is important that the needles are collected from trees that have not been treated with chemicals.

What you should not give to rabbits

Some products may be harmful or may be toxic for rabbits. Avoid giving them chocolate, avocado, cibul, chasnik, potatoes, as well as any malted and lubricated products. In addition, it is advisable to give rabbits either dairy products or bakery products.

For the sake of a good year

Incremental transition to new food: When introducing a new food or product, start gradually, so eliminate problems with etching. Start with a small amount and gradually increase it over time.

Bathing Regularity: Give birth to the rabbit at the same hour every day. This will help you maintain a stable diet and avoid overeating. About the regime and diet additional article, on the site https://robota.ua/company13851183 .

Take care of your rabbit's health: Regularly look after your rabbit's camp. Changes in behavior, appetite or external appearance can be signals of health problems. If in doubt, contact your veterinarian.

A balanced diet is the key to the health and well-being of your rabbit. Hay, fresh vegetables, fruit, pelleted food and fresh water are the main components of his menu. Enjoy our pleasures, provide your beloved with all the necessary life-long advice, and we will delight you with your health and activity for many years to come.

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