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Heads of Thai enterprises announced possible mass layoffs

Steel imports from China threaten to cut workers at local steel mills...

Rail Orders Boost India's Steel Business

Indian companies have won a number of railway contracts...

Nippon Steel cuts its annual profit forecast by 6 percent

The reason for the revision was technical problems limiting the production of high-quality steel with high added value....

India blames Indonesia for dumping stainless steel

The Indian Stainless Steel Development Association announced that significant quantities of Chinese stainless steel are being dumped into the Indian...

Japan's Mitsui Cuts Annual Profit Forecast, But Keeps Its Stake In Vale

Mitsui & Co cut its annual profit forecast by 2 percent on Friday due to a lack of dividends from Vale, but the well-known Japanese trading...

India increases production of finished rolled steel

At the same time, India continues to be an importer of finished steel, although its foreign purchases during this period decreased by 3.1 percent...

Chinese companies set record for aluminum exports

Specialists from China attribute this growth to good conditions in the global market in 2018....

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