Home / News / Mining industry / Experts confirmed the high level of environmental safety of the pond-evaporator plant in utlyukskom estuary
Home / News / Mining industry / Experts confirmed the high level of environmental safety of the pond-evaporator plant in utlyukskom estuary

Experts confirmed the high level of environmental safety of the pond-evaporator plant in utlyukskom estuary

Mining industry / Ukraine
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the Drainage of mine waters Zaporozhye iron-ore plant is carried out in accordance with the environmental standards set by current environmental legislation of Ukraine. Technology for mine water drainage plant is the most optimal method, the efficiency of which is proven by the scientific community of Ukraine and the world.

Experts confirmed the high level of environmental safety of the pond-evaporator plant in utlyukskom estuary

In Kiev on the basis of the Agency's regional initiatives was held a press-conference "Utlyukskim estuary and plant: myths and reality", in which the Zaporozhye environmentalists and leading specialists of the NAS of Ukraine analyzed the effectiveness of hydraulic structures for the drainage of mine waters the plant located in utlyukskom estuary in Zaporizhia region.

Main specialist for environmental protection in Zaporizhia iron ore plant Valery Samoilov noted that the plant in the treatment of mine water uses to the most sustainable and effective way - by sedimentation and natural evaporation.

"Mining operations are conducted in plant floors 300-1 140 m, the process of extraction of raw materials is pumping groundwater from the mines, without this process you cannot work combine. First, in the 60-ies, these ground water poured into the river, Vasilievsky district. With increased production there was a threat to the ecosystem Kakhovka pool, so in the eighties was implemented drainage system of mine water in an isolated pond-evaporator in utlyuks'kyi estuary.

Pond-evaporator is restricted by dams, which prevent the ingress of water from mine plant to the estuary, sea of Azov, rivers Big and Small Outlook. Mine water before you get in the pond-evaporator, pass the three-step cleaning in the septic tanks and underground drainage catcher of the sedimentation of coarse particles, on the surface they are cleaned in a two-piece sump-illuminators, and then lit the water evaporates naturally, " said Valery Samoilov .

the Effectiveness of this system of drainage of mine waters is confirmed by the leading specialists of the NAS of Ukraine.

"plant is the only enterprise, which takes away mine water using a unique technology, safe for the environment and health of nearby residents. Thanks to technology developed and implemented in the enterprise, the ecological functioning of the Zaporozhye iron-ore plant in a thousand times greater than the mines of Krivbass ", - said the correspondent member of the National Academy of Sciences, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute for nature management problems and ecology, NAS of Ukraine Arkady Shapar.

the Employees of research institutes, environmentalists at different levels in a systematic manner the analysis of water and soil of the pond-evaporator plant. Checks are conducted in all areas: assessment of the radiation situation of the underground mine workings and objects of the study samples of mine waters, mules, rocks, iron ore. The results of inspections of environmental safety of plant, said a member of the NGO "Zaporizhzhya region" Volodymyr Galyuk for 20 years as head of the control Department of water resources of the state Administration of ecology and natural resources in Zaporizhia oblast.

"the Level of gamma radiation in mines does not exceed the natural background concentration of radon, thoron and their daughter products in mines does not exceed the radiation safety standards. Mine water discharged into a pond-the evaporator is not radioactive, and suspended particles which are deposited on the beaches of the evaporator, the magnitude of natural background radiation is not affected. The specific activity of the soil corresponds to low safe levels of saturation of soils with the natural radionuclides means minimal influence of mine waters on the environment, " said Vladimir Geletiuk.

Note that Zaporizhzhya iron ore factory conducts constant monitoring of the composition of mine waters, sediments, groundwater in the waters of the pond-evaporator. Environmental monitoring allows to follow the change of the natural environment and promptly take the necessary measures to protect the environment.

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