Home / News / Mining industry / Ukrainian An-124 transported 216 tons of mining equipment to Africa on two flights

Ukrainian An-124 transported 216 tons of mining equipment to Africa on two flights

Mining industry / Ukraine / Africa
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An-124-100 aircraft are equipped with a front cargo ramp, which is ideal for safe and easy transportation of heavy and oversized cargo.

Ukrainian An-124 transported 216 tons of mining equipment to Africa on two flights

Antonov Airlines transported fourteen pieces of mining equipment with a total weight of 216 tons on two An-124-100 flights from Istanbul, Turkey, to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, and Monrovia, Liberia.

The 113-ton cargo on the second voyage was loaded in the shortest possible time to meet the tight deadlines set by the recipients of the cargo - mining mines.

“These two flights from Turkey to Africa were carefully designed and carried out with maximum payload on each route,” said Evgeny Kiva, specialist in the commercial department of Antonov Airlines.

“The airline has fulfilled the requirement of our partner Skyair Chartering to carry out these air transportation within the timeframe set by the customer. During these flights, the aircraft made three technical stops for refueling and rest of the crew: one in Algeria, during the first flight with a cargo weighing 103 tons, which was heading to Burkina Faso, and two stops in Casablanca, Morocco, and Thies, Senegal. when performing the second flight with a cargo weighing 113 tons, ”explained Kiva.

An-124-100 aircraft are equipped with a front cargo ramp, which is ideal for safe and easy transportation of heavy and oversized cargo.

Antonov Airlines has noted an increase since the beginning of the year in demand for flights for the transportation of goods for the mining industry. Just last month, the airline performed three such flights , delivering a cargo with a total weight of 370 tons from Australia to Latin America.

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