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Home / News / Russia / Optimism in the Russian industry fell to zero

Optimism in the Russian industry fell to zero


Recession or stagnation in the Russian economy are not, and growth in the industry is there, but weak. So business there is no feeling of growth and there is positive sentiment.

Optimism in the Russian industry fell to zero

the Index of industrial optimism in the Russian economy, which calculates the economic policy Institute them. Gaidar on the basis of a survey of entrepreneurs in November continued declining, reaching the worst level since February of 2016.

the Index is calculated monthly and may vary from minus 100 to plus 100 points. Positive values mean that the entrepreneurs are dominated by a positive assessment of the situation, negative values show that the prevailing negative assessments.

as of 18 November, the index fell and approached zero, after takeoff in September at five points. This means maintaining a confident control of enterprises in their inventory accumulation and, therefore, confident about the control over the ratio of demand and output, according to the materials of the Gaidar Institute. But as economists say, to maintain such a control is easy in protracted stagnation and with minimal optimism of even the official forecasts.

the Worst in recent years was the index in February 2016 (approximately minus five to seven points).

"After a decent enough by the standards of the current long stagnation of the October industrial production growth in November, the industry seems to have decided to refuse the increase in output and can move to reduce it", — emphasized in the materials.

meanwhile, Rosstat fixes a moderately positive dynamics of industrial production. According to him, in October it grew by 2.6% in annual terms, and in comparison with September and 5.5%. The cumulative growth for ten months of the year was 2.7% compared to the same period last year.

the Highest rates of growth for ten months in commodity and manufacturing industries (3.4 and 2.4 per cent over the same period last year, respectively), according to Rosstat.

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