Home / News / Russia / The decline in exports of ferrous metals from Russia accelerated in November to 11%
Home / News / Russia / The decline in exports of ferrous metals from Russia accelerated in November to 11%

The decline in exports of ferrous metals from Russia accelerated in November to 11%

Russia / Ferrous metallurgy

during January-November 2019 ferrous metals export from Russia amounted to 37,575 million tons.

The decline in exports of ferrous metals from Russia accelerated in November to 11%

In January – November 2019 ferrous metals export from Russia decreased by 11.1% to 37,575 million tons, according to the materials of the Federal customs service (FCS) of the Russian Federation.

Export of ferrous metals, excluding pig iron, ferroalloys, waste and scrap accounted for 11 months of 24,883 million tons, which is 10.4% less than in the same period last year (APPG).

the Supply of semi-finished products made of carbon steel decreased the annual ratio of 6.8% to 13,433 million tons. Exports of flat-rolled carbon steel decreased in January-November of 2019, compared to the same period last year by 15.6% to 6,402 million tons.

"In the total value of exports the share of metals and products from them for 11 months was 9% (in January-November 2018 to 9.8%). In the commodity structure of export to the far abroad countries the share of these goods amounted to 8.3% (in January-November 2018 - 9,3%), in CIS countries is 13.6% (12.9 per cent). The value of exports declined yoy by 13.5% and individuals - by 10.4%. Physical volumes of export of cast iron decreased by 20.1%, hire flat of iron and non-alloy steel - by 15.6%, semi-finished products of iron and non-alloy steel - 6.8%. However, the physical volume of exports of copper increased by 4%, ferroalloys - 0.6%", - reported in the FCS.

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