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Home / News / Ukraine / Belarusian steel works has released a corporate calendar with your workers

Belarusian steel works has released a corporate calendar with your workers

Ukraine / Europe / Ferrous metallurgy

Corporate calendar BMZ for 2020 — that's 10 edition, models for which are the employees of the company. This year it was named "real steel".

Belarusian steel works has released a corporate calendar with your workers

By tradition on the new corporate calendar of the Belarusian metallurgical plant (BMZ) — an employee of the company and related entities. This time in the shot girls appeared in the form of animated steel sculpture.

According to the press service of the BMZ, this year the desire to participate in the project, called "real steel", expressed a record number of girls: 13 calendar pages claimed 70 zavodchane.

the Winners of the casting was chosen based on preliminary photo shoot. As a result, overcoming the competition of more than five people in place, the project was representatives of the various business and engineering professions. For example, among the participants there are politowski electric arc furnace. This is Olga Piliponis that works side by side with the Steelers on one of the most important and dangerous production areas of the plant. His colleagues, the girl performs control of the steelmaking process.

"I Think advertising for 10 years, the project moved into the category of social. To them, we seek to show that the metallurgy is and female employment. And, despite the severity and complexity of the work, women remain fragile, beautiful and charming. I will add that today almost a quarter of the staff of the BMZ are women", — said the press-Secretary of the plant Alexander Olesik.

Implement the project on creation of corporate calendar BMP was fully implemented by the staff of the enterprise. Just like models, photographers and designers are the employees of the plant. They developed the concept and implemented it in life.

Preparation of one model took about four hours. For shooting on body makeup spent 40 tubes of special paint. Girls on all pages, except the Golden October (the month when BMZ celebrates its day of birth), presented in steel color. Not without the help of the choreographer, which helped during photo shoots to liven up the intended images. As metal, they represent a combination of plasticity and strength, simplicity and versatility.

Corporate calendar BMZ for 2020 — that's 10 edition, models for which are the employees of the company. Through this project, more than 120 zavodchane for its entire history were able to try yourself in the role models. In parallel with the calendar page is decorated with pictures of employees, BMZ annually publishes a calendar with children's drawings. The official presentation of both publications will be held in December.

Download calendar the link

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