Ukrzaliznytsia introduces a new service for passengers - transportation of hand Luggage in the train or from the train. Monday, February 3, the service delivery of suitcases will be available in pilot mode in three routes.
So, the railroad will process a mechanism for providing services at the station Kiev-Passenger, Dnipro, Lviv, Kharkiv-Passenger and train No. 79/80 Dnipro - Kiev - Dnipro, No. 92/91 Lviv - Kyiv - Lviv, № 63/64 Kharkiv - Kyiv - Kharkiv.
"Ukrzaliznytsya makes another contribution to the improved service to its passengers. Of course, to use the new service will be any, but they will be especially useful for families with children, elderly people travelling alone and also for people with disabilities," commented a member of the management Board Marcin Celejewski.
In particular, passengers will be offered a delivery of hand Luggage from the station to the Central station or the address from door to door. Ordering targeted delivery provides that the messenger himself will take the Luggage and will deliver at the destination address. The fee is 200 UAH, if the delivery will be carried from station to station, and 350 UAH, if from door to door.
the Service is available on request of a passenger who has a travel document and makes a trip from the station of initial departure to the final arrival station of the train. To transportation are accepted hand Luggage weighing up to 36 kg, inclusive.