Home / News / Ukraine / German manufacturer of zinc self-destructed in pandemic coronavirus
Home / News / Ukraine / German manufacturer of zinc self-destructed in pandemic coronavirus

German manufacturer of zinc self-destructed in pandemic coronavirus

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the First victim of the shortage of scrap metal has become a German firm, processing waste zinc.

German manufacturer of zinc self-destructed in pandemic coronavirus

German manufacturer of zinc-Metallwerk Dinslaken (MWD) said Tuesday that it will close due to the economic consequences of coronavirus crisis.

the Company produces about 25,000 tons of secondary zinc and zinc alloys from scrap at its factory in Dinslaken, where it will be lost 41 workplace.

According to a spokesperson, the lock rasprostanenie coronavirus have significantly reduced the availability of zinc scrap, while consumers of zinc, especially in Italy, have reduced purchases of zinc.

"We had to react, because the supply of and demand for raw materials was stopped because of the crisis with the coronavirus," said he.

According to him, existing contracts will be completed, and then the company will be closed.

Recall that the UAE zapretili export of ferrous scrap for four months, amid growing shortage of raw materials. Such measures can take the Russian Federation and a number of other countries dependent on supplies of scrap.

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