Home / Press Releases / At the concentration plant of the Uchalinsky GOK, production will be automated

At the concentration plant of the Uchalinsky GOK, production will be automated

Press Releases
At the concentration plant of the Uchalinsky GOK, production will be automated

Uchaly (Republic of Bashkortostan)

An automated process control system (APCS) was put into operation in the main building of the Uchalinsky GOK enrichment plant (an enterprise of the UGMK raw materials complex). The software and hardware complex is designed primarily to facilitate the work of technological personnel and is used for automatic collection, processing and subsequent analysis of performance indicators of technological equipment used in the flotation redistribution.

- The system combines local processes and operations that have already been automated at the factory at different times, into a single production management tool - the operator of the main building has a large panel on which all the parameters of the technological process are displayed. These data are available for viewing by flotators, technologists and the management of the factory online, - the head of the automation and metrology workshop, chief metrologist of Uchalinsky GOK JSC, Marat Muslimov, told about the main concept of the process control system.

Thanks to the process control system, the specialists of the chief factory buildings have significantly increased control over the state of the technological process and its efficiency: the program provides a prompt response to any deviations of the parameters, the submission of commands for their adjustment, which excludes unplanned equipment downtime.

- Flotators now have the ability to remotely control flotation machines, tracking and correcting all data on the extraction of copper and zinc minerals from their workstations. Previously, the amount and dosage of reagents, the level of air supply and other indicators could be seen and adjusted only at the control cabinets, - the head of the main building of the concentrating plant, Radim Sagadiev, noted the advantages of the process control system.

The capabilities of the process control system provide for the integration of additional subsystems and automated workers places. The software acts as a platform for the subsequent creation and implementation of an automated system of operational dispatch control of production of both all processing plant processing plants and the plant as a whole.

Currently, in addition to the main building, the reconstructed process control system has been introduced at the lime kilns of the department preparation of concentrating plant reagents. This year, it is also planned to create an automated process control system for the crushing department of the factory.

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