Home / Press Releases / Vostochny Port JSC and Russian Railways Business Aktiv JSC have agreed on cooperation in the development of container transportation
Home / Press Releases / Vostochny Port JSC and Russian Railways Business Aktiv JSC have agreed on cooperation in the development of container transportation

Vostochny Port JSC and Russian Railways Business Aktiv JSC have agreed on cooperation in the development of container transportation

Press Releases
Vostochny Port JSC and Russian Railways Business Aktiv JSC have agreed on cooperation in the development of container transportation

Within the framework of the VI Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, a Memorandum of Intent was signed between Vostochny Port JSC and RZD Business Aktiv JSC (container operator, structure of RZD JSC) on cooperation in the development of container transportation using the seaport of Vostochny Port JSC. The ceremony of signing the memorandum took place at the site of the joint exhibition stand of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, UMMC-Port Assets and Vostochny Port JSC. The document of intent of the parties was signed by Vadim Baybak, Managing Director of Vostochny Port JSC, and Vyacheslav Saraev, Director General of Russian Railways Business Active JSC.

The purpose of the memorandum is to develop container traffic in domestic and international traffic using the terminal of JSC "Vostochny Port". On a long-term basis, the parties agreed to promote the creation of joint high-quality modern services for the transportation of goods in containers, designed to meet the needs of representatives of the Russian and global business environment, as well as to realize the transit potential of the Russian Federation.

Within its competence, Vostochny Port "And" RZD Business Active "will exchange experience and analytical data for the most efficient development of joint services: JSC" Vostochny Port "in terms of maritime transport, and JSC" RZD Business Active "- in terms of rail transport. The companies also agreed to jointly attract sea carriers for the active development of the new Container Terminal of Vostochny Port JSC.

- For the practical implementation of this memorandum, together with Vostochny Port, we plan to develop and conclude a bilateral agreement. This document, inter alia, will provide for the sustainable development of the Container Terminal, as well as high-quality and volumetric indicators of joint service, which we will strive for with Vostochny Port, developing and implementing specific measures in accordance with our competencies, - said the general director of the JSC Russian Railways Business Active Vyacheslav Saraev.

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