Home / News / Mining industry / Vostochny Ore Mining and Processing Plant reduced production of uranium concentrate by 45%

Vostochny Ore Mining and Processing Plant reduced production of uranium concentrate by 45%

Mining industry / Ukraine
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Revenues of SE "VostGOK" from the sale of concentrate in January-February 2021 amounted to UAH 185 million.

Vostochny Ore Mining and Processing Plant reduced production of uranium concentrate by 45%

SE "Vostochny Mining and Processing Plant" (VostGOK) for 2 months of 2021 compared to the same period in 2020 reduced the production of uranium oxide concentrate by 45% - to 63.5 tons. This is evidenced by the data of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine.

At the same time, the only uranium mining enterprise in the country reduced uranium ore production by 31% - to 66.9 thousand tons, and the income from the sale of concentrate in January-February 2021 amounted to UAH 185 million, which is 24% less than the income for 2 month of 2020.

As reported earlier, SE VostGOK in 2020 compared to 2019 reduced the production of uranium oxide concentrate by 7.1% - to 743.7 tons with a total value of 2.074 billion hryvnia. In 2019, the enterprise reduced the production of uranium concentrate by 32% compared to 2018, to 800.9 tons.

The deterioration of production indicators over the past two years is due to the periodic withdrawal of the company's divisions to a forced downtime.

Recall that on April 5, 2021, Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmigal instructed the Minister of Economic Development , Trade and Agriculture Igor Petrashko and acting Minister of Energy Yuriy Vitrenko, to prepare and submit by April 7 to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft Memorandum between State Enterprise "NNEGC" Energoatom "and State Enterprise" VostGOK "on the integration of the Eastern Mining and Processing Plant into the structure of Energoatom.

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