Home / News / Russia / In Kamchatka, a bear tore an employee of a gold mining company
Home / News / Russia / In Kamchatka, a bear tore an employee of a gold mining company

In Kamchatka, a bear tore an employee of a gold mining company


Investigators in Kamchatka are conducting an investigation into the death of an employee of the largest gold mining enterprise in the region, who was probably killed by a bear.

In Kamchatka, a bear tore an employee of a gold mining company

A 43-year-old employee of the Ozernovsky gold mining and metallurgical plant (GMK), according to the main version of the investigation, was killed by a bear. The worker's body was found on May 31, one kilometer from the MMC. Investigators are checking the death of a man.

“Based on the results of the pre-investigation check, a procedural decision will be made. On the body - damage characteristic of the attack of a predatory animal. Obviously, the man was killed by a bear, "Elena Matafonova, senior assistant to the head of the Investigative Department of the TFR in the region, told Interfax.

The death of a gold miner from the paws of a bear is the second in the region in the last month. On May 4, in the Ust-Bolsheretsky district, a predator killed a 51-year-old fisherman.

The Kamchatka bear is the largest brown bear in Russia. The length of its body including the head is 180-245 cm, the height at the withers is 125-135 cm. The weight of some individuals reaches 600 kg. The population of bears in Kamchatka numbers more than 20 thousand individuals.

Ozernovsky Mining and Metallurgical Combine (MMC) launched production at the end of April 2018, today it is one of the largest gold mining enterprises in Kamchatka. The balance reserves of the Ozernovskoye gold deposit in category C2 for opencast mining are 903 thousand tons of ore with gold reserves of 9345 kg, off-balance reserves - 85 thousand tons of ore with gold reserves of 897 kg.

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