Home / News / Russia / Export of agricultural machinery from Russia increased by 30% in 2020 - Rosspetsmash
Home / News / Russia / Export of agricultural machinery from Russia increased by 30% in 2020 - Rosspetsmash

Export of agricultural machinery from Russia increased by 30% in 2020 - Rosspetsmash

Russia / Engineering

The main reasons, according to market participants, were stable state support for exports and a weak ruble. Against this background, the total production of Russian equipment is growing in step with exports, by almost 30%.

Export of agricultural machinery from Russia increased by 30% in 2020 - Rosspetsmash

For the third year in a row, the export of agricultural machinery from the Russian Federation is breaking records, but the growth rate has not yet caught up with the level of 2018. According to the estimates of Rosspetsmash, the export of agricultural machinery from Russia in 2020 in monetary terms increased by 30%, to 15.9 billion rubles.

A year earlier, deliveries abroad increased in monetary terms by only 9%, but in 2018 the growth in exports of agricultural machinery was 40%.

Of the 38 countries where the products are exported, the main deliveries fell on the CIS countries and the European Union, as well as Mongolia, Africa and the Middle East. Exports to Germany in monetary terms grew 4.6 times in 2020, to Austria - 4.5 times, the Czech Republic - 2.9 times, Bulgaria - 2.1 times. Deliveries to France increased by 84%, to the Netherlands - by 73%, Kyrgyzstan - by 51%, Hungary - by 44%, Kazakhstan - by 29%.

Rosspetsmash cited both high prices for agricultural products and state support (discounts on equipment under the 1432 program) as reasons for the growth. The growth of metal prices and the introduction of quotas for grain exports may hinder the maintenance of positive dynamics and the development of exports, the association noted.

Machine builders propose to postpone the introduction of restrictions on grain exports and introduce a floating export duty on the products of metallurgical companies to ensure domestic prices 20% lower than on world exchanges.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade pointed to a favorable price situation in the grain market and the effect of the 1432 program. In 2021, 10 billion rubles are planned for it. The ministry calls export growth a "significant achievement." They noted the factor of a low base, the implementation of effective government support measures (compensation of part of the cost of transporting products and support for participation in exhibitions abroad) and the work of Russian manufacturers to promote their products abroad.

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