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Home / News / Ukraine / Ukrainian carriers will receive an additional 5000 Polish permissions

Ukrainian carriers will receive an additional 5000 Polish permissions


following the meeting in Lviv polkovo and Ukrainian Ministers of infrastructure 28 Nov Ukrainian carriers will receive an additional 5000 Polish permission.

Ukrainian carriers will receive an additional 5000 Polish permissions

infrastructure Minister Vladislav Crickley met with the Minister of infrastructure of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Adamcik 28 Nov 2019 in the city of Lviv. The Ministerial meeting was a continuation of the dialogue that began at the end of October.

Main issue of the meeting was the issue of determining the quota of permits for international road freight transport with the Republic of Poland for the Ukrainian carriers.

Minister of infrastructure of Ukraine noted the constructive during the meeting of the Ukrainian-Polish Mixed Commission on international road freight transport, which took place on 25 October 2019 and noted that the position of the Ukrainian side remains unchanged quota of permits may not be less than 200,000 permits. Vladislav Crickley noticed and will continue to defend the position that the reduction in the quota of permissions is a violation of article 136 of the Agreement on Association of Ukraine with the EU.

November 25, 2019 Kyiv hosted the meeting of the Working group ad-hoc for the exchange of experience the distribution of permits. During the meeting, the Polish side noticed and congratulated the positive changes and establish control over the circulation of permits. Now increased control over the circulation of resolutions, the Ukrainian side has accurate information on the number of issued and returned permits, surveillance cameras are installed at the points of delivery of permissions. Vladislav Crickley said that the Ukrainian side appreciates the dialogue and the readiness of the Polish side to share the experience distribution dozvoliv.

the meeting of the working group ad-hoc allocation of 10,000 permits with advanced sharing permissions for 2020, which are valid for registration in 2019 in accordance with a transparent mechanism.

At the meeting on 28 November, Ukrainian carriers will receive an additional 5000 Polish permission.

Also during the meeting discussed the organization of a comfortable and smooth movement of passengers and increasing passenger traffic by road transport, the reduction of idle time at the border both passenger and freight transport. The Polish side proposed to organize joint control in the checkpoints, where there is the greatest heavy traffic.

the Distinction between passenger and freight stations in the checkpoint "Krakovets" identified parties one of the priorities in the development of border infrastructure on the Ukrainian-Polish state border. Construction of the Krakovets should begin tentatively scheduled for spring 2020. In the framework of the implementation of contracts in accordance with the Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Poland on granting the loan under the terms of tied aid projects on major repairs planned on the approaches to the 4 checkpoints (checkpoint "Utilus", the checkpoint "Rava Ruska", the checkpoint "Smolnitsa ", transmission" Pears "), in 2020 is expected to start performance of works on major repairs after the approval of design documentation. The implementation of these contracts will relieve highway M-10 Lviv - Krakovets.

infrastructure Minister Vladislav Crickley and the Minister of infrastructure of the Republic of Poland Andrzej adamczyk agreed to deepen cooperation on the development of the aviation and railway communication between the countries.

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