Home / News / Ukraine / Ukraine has announced new tariffs for the transit of Russian gas to Europe
Home / News / Ukraine / Ukraine has announced new tariffs for the transit of Russian gas to Europe

Ukraine has announced new tariffs for the transit of Russian gas to Europe


Ukraine approved the tariffs for the transit of Russian gas and gave a license to their new operator of the pipeline system, by making the necessary steps towards the completion of a new five-year deal for Russian gas supplies to Europe.

Ukraine has announced new tariffs for the transit of Russian gas to Europe

the Ukrainian national energy market regulator said it has approved the tariffs for the transit of Russian gas in the amount of 16.01 USD per day per 1,000 cubic meters on the border with Russia and 9.68 USD a day per 1 000 cubic meters at the border with Slovakia.

the Exact amount that will pay Gazprom for gas deliveries based on volume, which he orders to transfer.

internal potrebitelei the tariff for gas transit set at UAH 1.93 per 1,000 cubic meters per day at the entry point.

in addition, at a public meeting on Tuesday NKREKP made the final decision on certification of the transmission system operator - OOO "Operator GTS of Ukraine" on the model of the ISO.

in addition, at the same meeting, NKREKP adopted decision on issuance of the LLC "Operator GTS of Ukraine" the licence for the right of implementation of economic activity on transportation of natural gas.

Both solutions are effective from 1 January 2020.

"Today we have a full European operator GTS. Now it is finally independent operator will earn from 1 January 2020. But there is still a lot of work", - said Sergey Makogon, the General Director of open company "the Operator of the Ukrainian GTS".

representatives of the Ukrainian "Naftogaz" and Russian "Gazprom" will meet for signing a set of agreements for gas on 26 December.

the Minister of energy of Ukraine Alexey Orgel said that Kiev is planning for the next five years to get rates to $ 15 billion, which corresponds to its current revenues from the transit of Russian gas.

about 3 billion "Naftogaz" will receive from "Gazprom" in the form of payments on the decision of the Stockholm arbitration.

Russia, Ukraine and the European Commission have agreed in principle on a new deal last week, with the new contract and other agreements between the Russian and Ukrainian system operators, which must be signed by Sunday.

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