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The Dnieper metallurgical plant restarts steelmaking

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Dnieper MZ Aleksandr Yaroslavskyy, stopped in October 2019, resumes of key plants — blast furnace, Converter and rolling.

The Dnieper metallurgical plant restarts steelmaking

Dnieper metallurgical plant of the DCH group Aleksandr Yaroslavskyy gave the first whistle after the completion of repairs in the main shops of the enterprise. Steelmakers are preparing to launch a domain and rolling operations.

As previously reported, the investment program the DCH for the development of MMC-DCH division Steel (DMZ and mine "Sukha Balka" in Krivoy Rog) involves investment in the amount of $ 300 million over the next 5 years.

For the implementation of investment projects specialists DMZ has carried out the necessary repair work and began commissioning of the plant. After the start of CHP enterprises was one of the symbols of the Dnieper – factory whistle. Now the plant gradually start the main production stages – blast furnace, BOF, rolling mills.

"Despite the challenging economic situation in the MMC and in the whole country, the Dnieper metallurgical plant commenced start-up production. We have a lot of work and ambitious plans, but in the DMZ are real professionals, so I'm sure we can do anything", – said Vitaly Bash, CEO of DCH Steel and DMZ.


PJSC "Dnieper metallurgical plant" Oleksandr Iaroslavskyi's DCH group is one of the largest metallurgical enterprises in Ukraine. Starting in 2016, investments in environmental program totaled 350 million. During this time the company has reduced emissions by 25%. DMZ has the lowest emissions per ton of steel among all the metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine.

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