Home / News / Mining industry / The share of coal power in the world fell to the lowest level since 2003
Home / News / Mining industry / The share of coal power in the world fell to the lowest level since 2003

The share of coal power in the world fell to the lowest level since 2003

Mining industry
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an increasing number of power generating companies in the world refuse from coal, preferring the natural gas or the energy of the atom.

The share of coal power in the world fell to the lowest level since 2003

the Share of electricity generated by coal-fired power plants in the world, continues to decline, the report prepared by the company BP. According to the calculations of its experts, in 2019 the share of "coal" electricity in the global energy balance decreased by 0.5 percentage points to 27%, and its total volume amounted to 157,9 exajoules.

the BP report noted that as a result of this decline in the share generated by coal-fired power plants around the world was the lowest since 2003.

the total coal consumption in the world for the year decreased by 0.6%, but its production increased by 1.5%, which led to the fall in world prices for this type of fuel. As a result, the volume of world coal trade declined in 2019 1.3%, the first decline in 2015. Most strongly reduced the coal export of the United States, Australia and Colombia, import, Europe, Japan and South Korea.

Domestic coal consumption continued to grow in China, Indonesia and Viet Nam, and India, where growth was the lowest since 2001. Total coal consumption in 37 countries of the Organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD) fell to the lowest point in the history of the BP estimates.

Global trend decarbonization of the economy creates a new reality and forces energy companies to adjust their strategies and to review portfolio notes that the largest energy holding of Ukraine, DTEK. The substitution of a high-carbon to low-carbon generation would significantly affect the economy and social environment of the regions coal enterprises of the holding.

"In Ukraine, more than 250 thousand people who depend on the coal industry. It is not only employees, but residents of single-industry towns, where the working of the mine. DTEK Energo employs more than 30 thousand miners. Our task as a responsible employer, to promote the emergence of new jobs and ensure the transformation of regions at local, national and international levels. So in 2018 we are an active member of the European platform on fair in coal transformation", - said Dmytro Sakharuk.

Ukraine became an active participant in the process of transformation of the coal regions and outlined this is one of the priority tasks on the path to carbon neutrality. The Ukrainian government has established a Coordination centre for the transformation of the coal industry, and the European Commission together with international financial institutions finalizes the program of transformation of the coal for the Western Balkans and Ukraine, which will provide expert knowledge and support countries in the transition period.

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