Home / News / Ukraine / Steel production in Ukraine in March fell by a third year-on-year
Home / News / Ukraine / Steel production in Ukraine in March fell by a third year-on-year

Steel production in Ukraine in March fell by a third year-on-year

Ukraine / Main
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In March 2022, only one metallurgical plant was fully operational in Ukraine - KAMETSTAL in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk.

Steel production in Ukraine in March fell by a third year-on-year

During 3 months of 2022, about 3.65 million tons of steel were produced in Ukraine, which is 31.1% lower than the previous year. This was reported in the expert-scientific council of UAVtormet. At the same time, in March, only the Dneprodzerzhinsk metallurgical plant of Metinvest KAMETSTAL produced steel in pre-war volumes, while other metallurgical enterprises of the country stopped or mothballed production.

In March, the Ukrainian scrap metal market actually stopped. The only company that bought scrap metal was the same KAMETSTAL, which was supplied with about 41.5 thousand tons of raw materials, and technological reserves at the beginning of the month were estimated at 26.0 thousand tons. At the same time, deliveries were carried out mainly by rail.

In general, in the first quarter of 2022, 530.0 thousand tons of scrap metal were shipped to the metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine (a decrease in supplies by 36.6%). At the same time, the overall indicators of scrap metal procurement decreased by 23.3% (to 556.5 thousand tons).

In the first quarter of 2022, total exports of ferrous metals from Ukraine amounted to about 3.17 million tons worth $3 billion. If in the physical sense there is a decrease in exports by 35.6%, then the inflow of foreign exchange earnings practically coincides with the same indicator for the corresponding period of the previous year.

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