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Ukrhydroenergo made for gender balance in energy sector


In the framework of the energy security project (ESP) in company Ukrhydroenergo was implemented training module on gender equality.

Ukrhydroenergo made for gender balance in energy sector
Фото: Юлия Галустян, специалист по гендерным вопросам USAID / пресс-служба Укргидроэнерго

Real energy security requires high-quality energy services were affordable, reliable and safe for all citizens of Ukraine, said the press service of the Ukrhydroenergo.

the United States Agency for international development (USAID), cooperating with the government of Ukraine, donors, participants in the energy sector and the public with the aim of strengthening the energy security of Ukraine, conducted a series of trainings on gender equality in the company Ukrhydroenergo.

the Training was conducted by Yulia Galustyan, the gender specialist for USAID, which, as noted in Ukrhydroenergo, "was struck by the sincere interest of Directors of branches in the subject of gender equality".

"the Participants were very active in discussing issues related to ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men in the Ukrainian society in General and hydropower in particular. Look forward to the beginning of the training program on gender equality, which will be attended by representatives of the branches Ukrhydroenergo", - said Galustyan Yu.

Ukrhydroenergo is a leading manufacturer of electricity in Ukraine from renewable sources, which provides coverage of peak loads, frequency control and network capacity, mobile emergency reserve in the United energy system of Ukraine. 100% of the shares belongs to the state represented by the Ministry of energy and coal industry of Ukraine.

President John. F. Kennedy created the U.S. Agency for international development by order in 1961 to lead the efforts of the government of the USA on the international development and humanitarian activities. Today, USAID is helping to raise the standard of living, build community, and promote democracy. Since 1992, the total value of assistance provided to Ukraine by the USAID, is over 3 billion U.S. dollars.

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