Home / Press Releases / PERVICHNAYA Profsoyuznaya organizatsiya BMZ became the winner of two national contests.
Home / Press Releases / PERVICHNAYA Profsoyuznaya organizatsiya BMZ became the winner of two national contests.

PERVICHNAYA Profsoyuznaya organizatsiya BMZ became the winner of two national contests.

Press Releases

OJSC "BMZ — holding management company "BMK" is the winner of the industry stage of Republican review competition of the Federation of trade unions of Belarus on energy savings, raw materials for 2018-2019. Steelmakers also awarded the Diploma of the third degree for the best organization of sports-mass and fizkulturno-improving work in the primary trade Union organizations of the trade Union "BALPARMAK".

&bsp;&bsp; Work to improve energy efficiency of production at the Belarusian metallurgical plant is allocated one of the priority positions, as the results directly affect the competitiveness of products. So, only last year the company implemented more than 20 energy conservation measures, allowing to provide economy of fuel and energy resources 38 193 CT.t. Savings on energy through the implementation of a set of different measures in 2019 amounted to 6.9 million dollars. By the way, the implementation of the projects, allowing to obtain such high results, has repeatedly earned the company the victory of the Republican contest "Leader of energy efficiency". The success and recognition at the branch competition — the merit of the whole collective of the enterprise, the vast majority of which are members of a trade Union of workers of the industries "BALPARMAK".

&bsp;&bsp; as for rewards for the organization of mass sports and sports and recreation activities, it is also backed up by concrete results. Only in 2019 for employees of the BMZ and the residents of the area was conducted with 180 different sporting mass and athletic-health measures. For that purpose the plant and its Union organization sent more than one million rubles. Employees also regularly take part in regional, Republican and international competitions in various sports.

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