Home / Press Releases / UMMC-Telecom has completed the first stage of work on the automation of a new section of the chemical and metallurgical workshop of JSC "Uralelectromed" for the processing of antimony concentrate PSTSM

UMMC-Telecom has completed the first stage of work on the automation of a new section of the chemical and metallurgical workshop of JSC "Uralelectromed" for the processing of antimony concentrate PSTSM

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UMMC-Telecom has completed the first stage of work on the automation of a new section of the chemical and metallurgical workshop of JSC "Uralelectromed" for the processing of antimony concentrate PSTSM

The company's specialists have automated the technological line of the intermediate stage of antimony production, at which antimony-tin concentrate is produced.

The software was specially written to ensure the new technological process, visualization was set up and a set of commissioning works was carried out.

“The technological line includes a large number of equipment: sediments, pipelines, sensors, valves and other devices. It is very difficult to manually control the operation of all these mechanisms. Automation allows you to speed up production processes and ensure their safety, "says Dmitry Avdeev, UMMC-Telecom project manager.

An operator who can set settings and monitor the progress of the technological process monitors the uninterrupted operation of the line remotely from the AWP. In fact, the process is controlled by automation, and the person only makes sure that there are no deviations in the operation of the equipment. The original product is loaded and goes through all stages of the cycle automatically. The equipment informs about the beginning and the end of each production cycle.

“We have implemented a complex project of the process control system, including the integration of the system into the previous technological cycle, as well as prepared for the future expansion of the system. The necessary documentation was developed for subsequent operation, all the source codes were transferred "- says the director of the UMMC-Telecom project office Lyubov Yunyaeva.

The automation of the line increased the reliability of the equipment and made it possible to reduce the labor intensity of the main production operations. Telecom.

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